Stars & Stops
PROJECT BREIF: Create an integrated digital experience for connecting the thousands of small businesses, giving them a presence they would not have without Coca-Cola. It is about connecting small businesses with shoppers…connecting with the individual outlets, and providing payment capabilities that link PoS data. The hope would be to…understand shopper behaviors and reactiveness to marketing messages and to create a unique medium for communicating with shoppers.
* The contents of this portfolio were created for a marketing project sponsored by Coca-Cola Company. The contents including the food truck are entirely conceptual in nature and do not represent actual Coca-Cola programs or actual Coca-Cola brands. My participation in the Speedway project was as a student, and not as an employee or contractor of Coca-Cola. The contents of this portfolio are considered confidential by Coca-Cola, and may not be copied or distributed for any reason. Coca-Cola has expressly authorized my use of the contents for the project itself, and for my own job search portfolio.